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楼主: Latecomer

What do you get for repeating 10+ times?

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-13 17:54:47 | 显示全部楼层
I disagree. I for one has 0 interest in bbfs with an MM no matter how much I love her and how many times I have repeated. Are you kidding me?? Unless I have privatized her.
I am really just interested to know all other things other than BBFS, and some bros have shared a few things. Appreciate that!

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发表于 2015-10-13 19:46:46 | 显示全部楼层
有人说luna 开始正事之前 会请客人喝茶 我想有人重复她多了 她说不定会在临走之前再请他喝一杯

还有的妹子 在正事之前 会喂客人吃糖.. 重复了多了以后 临走时也喂
还有的妹子 根本没有送客人东西的习惯 重复了多了她把从她家乡(韩国/岛国)带来的栗羊羹/特产食品 都送出去了  我就接受过韩国产的栗羊羹

还有的妹子 重复了多了 她会告诉你她微信账号 她离开多伦多之后还会和你偶尔吹水几句..可能是把你看做了朋友 也可能是为了吸引回头客

还有的妹子 重复了多了 她会送你她的照片作为留念当然这是建立在信赖的基础上的

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-14 04:00:22 | 显示全部楼层
I wouldn't be surprised those who are most vocal in denouncing bbfs are the ones who likely seek it?  

There are Bros and mms who are willing to risk it.  In some shops there are regular clients who only request bbfs and pay a premium.     

A tell tale sign a mm is "open minded" is a wolf out of the blue inquiring where a mm has gone

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 06:39:27 | 显示全部楼层
Lol so black is black, white is black, everything is black then? Sure there are lots of crooks, but there are lots of straight shooters too.
If what you say is true that so much BBFS out there  , I just have to hang on real tight to my raincoat then

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发表于 2015-10-14 10:38:13 | 显示全部楼层
When it's all said and done, it's all about the money!!

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