
楼主: wakksta186


发表于 2024-2-21 18:39:28 | 显示全部楼层
還是分得很開的 約妹子出去玩怕尷尬

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发表于 2024-2-21 19:27:52 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-21 16:45
Absolutely. Always the cherry on top when you see the human side of the ladies and get to know who ...

Totally agree man. You meet great people in all facets of life. Just like from your gym or job or school. The sex industry is no different. A lot of these girls have aspirations and dreams. So making money is just a way for them to get there.
Now adays, I just go by natural feeling when asking girls I see out or vice versa. I haven't asked any since beginning of 2023 but declined to meet with three others because I just didn't feel the natural click from it. But because I turned these girls down, it became wierd and I stopped seeing them.

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 19:36:32 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-21 19:27
Totally agree man. You meet great people in all facets of life. Just like from your gym or job or  ...

Haha yea man I’m jealous as I never had girls who initiated I had to ask!
You must resemble an Oppa in real life for these girls to initiate. Yea if you turn them down then it kind of gets sealed and maybe time to move on to others lol

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发表于 2024-2-21 20:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-21 19:36
Haha yea man I’m jealous as I never had girls who initiated I had to ask!
You must resemble an Op ...

hahaha nah I'm not like those Oppas or atleast I don't see myself like that lmao
but you got some legit experiences from what I've read you post especially with the white girls.
Even if you initiate its okay, what's more important is if you two enjoys each other company off the clock 😁

And yeah hard to go back when you turn down the girls but it goes the other way around too. When you ask the girl out and she rejects it's also kind of gets sealed too. And for the guys it's harder to let it go.
I've had that happened a few times and it kinda sucks when you ask a girl you liked out but still wanna see them and they reject you. So after they reject it can get super wierd to see them again.

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发表于 2024-2-21 20:29:56 | 显示全部楼层
Hell a experience,bros. So much interest as reading both you guys post. I used to see a girl couple times and pretty enjoyed. Wanted to ask her out but controlled my impulse. A bit regret, but life goes on.

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 21:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
@Pika1 yea man sometimes it’s hard to control those impulses especially if you get along very well with the girl even when you’re not fucking. Not a bad experience and I’ve learned a lot from
The ladies as well.

@kingkong123 you were rejected?!! Wow didn’t think this would happen haha. Did the lady just give you random attitude or was it a gentle no? I’m super afraid of this and only asked girls out after seeing them at least 4-6 times before popping the question

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发表于 2024-2-21 21:51:26 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-21 21:21
@Pika1 yea man sometimes it’s hard to control those impulses especially if you get along very well  ...

More gentle no's. I've only asked out like 3 girls while all the others is they ask me.
The times popped the question was all in the beginning years where I started seeing girls. I was very inexperienced in general with relationships and women. So the 1st one gaslit the fuck outta me. We did go out one time but it was self serving for her. She only wanted to come out so that I only buy her shit and that same day she went to see another customer off the clock.
2nd one I got rejected after asking for the 4th date. we already went out 3 times and guess she wasn't feeling it. But she was super good at just pretending to like you or I was a noob at telling lmao. But I still kept seeing her until things fell apart between us and got wierd. So she asked the agency to not book me anymore.
But from that time, I saw her room mate which was a k girl and that's where we started dating lmao. That was a good experience but realistically I shouldn't have dated her because I was not in the right state of mind. I was practically trying to fill empty heart with another person. It lasted about 3 months, could've went longer if it wasn't for covid and LDR. But I dodged a bullet realistically as after we broke it off. I was heartbroken for like a year before I realized how much more important my own life and self was. That's where the girl I became friends with came in. She really taught me to be confident with myself and to never chase.
3rd time was late 2022. Also very popular kgirl, went out with her a number of times. We had a falling out then she began to reject my dates. After that she didn't want to see me for a little bit and I called her out on it and stopped seeing her. That's where it sealed the deal. But i never got attached to her despite her being one of the prettiest k girls I have ever seen, and been out with. Also she rarely dfks and I was like one of the 5 or 6 dudes lucky enough to get dfk with her.

From there I kinda stopped bothering to go out with these girls, that's where I got asked 3 more times by 3 separate girls also all 3 korean. Rejected them and just stopped seeing them. Partially that is also when Japanese girls started flowing in. And I began to do the really risky fun shit like NC and creampies and fuck that is addicting.
A lot of these girls I creampie, I don't see more than 3 times. As to not get attached. Aside from basically 1 which I saw 6 times and got to know her on a personal level and got her personal social media. But we never went out. However before she left she gave me a gift and I gave her one too.

I'm like too busy these days to properly date lol and I love sex too much. Having too much fun lol 😆

Also that 1st one was a crazy girl lmaoo she kept reaching out to me like every year or so. And eventually I told her to fuck off and warned her to never contact me again. Which she broke and I left her on read LOL

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 22:40:09 | 显示全部楼层
haha legit bro you have a lifetime of stories and videos definitely dont let these go to waste. Write a book! lol

Man what would you say is the biggest difference between going out with a J girl vs K girl?

For me, white girls are very open minded as long as you get along very well and there's a connection, they're very down to go out with you given they dont have a signficant other and you're respectful to avoid area/places where her friends work etc.

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发表于 2024-2-21 23:55:17 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-21 22:40
haha legit bro you have a lifetime of stories and videos definitely dont let these go to waste. Wr ...

LOL if a book comes out in the future regarding topic and industry and somehow the deets are errily similar to my posts. Then you know it's me who wrote it hahaha

I haven't gone out with a j-girl yet. There's  potential with 2 I got close with in terms of having their personal contact and social media. But they are back in Japan. Maybe when they revisit, I'll see them again and go with the flow.

Now k-girls I'm used to dating mostly. And K-girls are very blunt and to the point. Most of them don't play mind games and actually mean yes when they say yes most of the time. Also k-girls are fun, they are open to just doing activities and you don't have to buy them shit to impress them. Not like Chinese girls. A k-girl that likes you wouldn't give a shit if you just gave her ramen noodles as a gift. She would appreciate that you even bother to in the first place.
J-girls though, from what I heard can be very submissive and promiscuous in relationships. I heard it's common for Japanese girls and guys to regularly cheat. So given if I do get a chance to go out with one. It'd be more for fun rather than actually seriously seeing each other's potential. However as always anything natural you will know is real. I'm curious to go out with them and see how they are.

White girls I have little experience with. Some of em are pretty chill and down to earth. But those are dimes in a dozen. I find white girls that work tend to over value themselves because of the trend of feminism and all that lgbtq+ rights movement. It's given them empowerment that frankly I feel a lot of them don't deserve. For example in the English site, the girls that are advertised at like $500 or more are fat as fuck and disgusting. Like they would have to pay me to fuck them.

So it's nice to see good experiences with white girls from others like you broo.

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发表于 2024-2-22 00:01:22 | 显示全部楼层

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