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发表于 2018-3-9 13:12:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2018's F-1 inaugural race, as usual, will be in Australia end of March.

I am a motor racing fanatic, I will keep you posted as we come closer to the races.

There are only minor changes to the car body to give drivers better protection, and thst is about it.  Red Bull felll short of expectations last year, hope RB can do better this year.

3 Teams racing for the championship will definitely be more fun than just two.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-24 05:55:09 | 显示全部楼层
The "curtain raiser" of 2018's Championship is this coming Sunday in Australia.

There will be live telecast of the race if you can get up this early, around 5 or 6 a.m.  

Official qualifying session is SAT at 5 -6  p.m. Australia time which is 13 hours ahead of Toronto, i.e. the result should be in.  Hamilton snatched the pole, I think - I need more confirmations to say for sure.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-24 06:47:51 | 显示全部楼层
Holy smokes, the live telecast is at 1 a.m. Toronto time, SUNDAY.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-25 02:02:04 | 显示全部楼层
The first race of 2018 was decided, unfortunately, by the "virtual safety car"!

In the race, both MB and Ferrari had about the same speed, but Hamilton was ahead of the Ferraris.

Then, Team HAAS came in for tire change but was not done properly, so the car stopped on the track, and "virtual safety car" was deployed, i.e. no official car on the track but everyone must drive at a slower pace to allow the stopped vehicle to be towed away.  Meantime, Vettel was in the pits for tire change, took advantage of the slower pace on the track, and came out on top, including the race leader.

When two cars are evenly matched, the leading car will create air turbulence + HOT AIR which made it difficult for the car behind to overtake.

This was what happened, Hamilton found it difficult to overtake, and had to follow Vettel home for 2nd place.

What a pity, however, if Hamilton had driven faster while virtual safety car was deployed, he could have avoided the situation.

Based on the Australian GP, we can tell that MB, Ferrari, Red Bull, are evenly matched in 2018.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-25 14:36:34 | 显示全部楼层
The next F-1 GP will be held in Bahrain APR06 - APR08.


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发表于 2018-3-29 01:45:26 | 显示全部楼层
Hamilton was robbed.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-29 04:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
This is experts explanation of how Vettel took over the lead during "virtual safety car":

Yes, Hamilton was robbed by the rule.  He also drove too slowly caused by MB's pit management calculation.

Not related to above, we must keep in mind of an 2017 incident:

Ferrari is a MAJOR supporter (sponsor, etc.) of F-1 which definitely gave Vettel (Ferrari) more benefit of doubt.  In 2017, when Vettel intentionally hit Hamilton in Ajebajan (check spelling) when both were following a safety car.  Vettel should be disqualified outright, and suspended for a few races, but he got off lightly.

Please read my comments under "2017 Formula1 GP".

That episode didn't speak too well of F-1 justice!

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发表于 2018-3-30 01:33:36 | 显示全部楼层
Ferrari has more history, but Mercedes spends as much money in F1.
I hope this season doesn't become another Vettel/Hamilton show, with only other incidental supporting characters.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-30 04:43:49 | 显示全部楼层
anon1 发表于 2018-3-30 01:33
Ferrari has more history, but Mercedes spends as much money in F1.
I hope this season doesn't become ...

F1 world needs both MB & Ferrari, if anyone is missing, F1 will lose its luster.

Don't forget Red Bull in 2018.  This team underperformed in beginning of 2017 but was impressive as 2017's season came to a close.

Although 2018 is still a 2-team race, but Red Bull is more than a spoiler!

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发表于 2018-4-3 03:44:03 | 显示全部楼层

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