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China seemly cornered [BayerischeM]

发表于 2014-12-26 03:22:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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China seemly cornered [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
发表于 2014-6-4 00:57:01 | 只看该作者

Any mature political reader should have noticed that China is again being cornered by contries.

In the Shangri-La conference, the US, Japan, Australia and Vietnam verbally massacred China over the South Sea issue. Later in the week, Japan and US will again condem China during the G7 conference. This time, they will push their message into a Declaration. If that happens, it would mean that G7 officially support the removal of Chinese oil rig near Xisha islands, kowning that Xisha islands was relaimed by China pre-1945 by the then governing party - Kuomintang.

However, Kuomintang was weak then and is still weak today. Althought the reclaim of the islands was on the footnote of the post world war II Cairo Declaration, Kuomintang represented Taiwan is politically insignificant to express any opinion today Hence they keep quiet, just as if China has nothing to do with Taiwan.

Ultimately, certain countries will want to supress China and make sure either its economy, politic or society will collapses, to the point that the country remains insignificant like how it was in the 60 and 70s.

I believe this site has many asian of chinese root but non chinese nationals (Han population). Do you feel concerned that many wishes the collapse of China?

I know in the US, people look at Persians crooked, because the whole middle east is stirred up to near collapse. Perhaps one day the Han poplulation will meet the same faith, by then, does it matter whether we say we are Canadian citizen or our parents are from Taiwan/HonKong?


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发表于 2014-6-4 01:35:58 | 只看该作者

I am concerned about the militaristic path that Japan is re-embarking on. It is the gravest threat that China faces. The SE Asian countries are comparatively insignificant, and are pretty much useless without the backing of Uncle Sam.

The Japanese have large stockpiles of plutonium and the technical knowledge & ability to process them into usable nuclear weapons within a matter of months if they choose to do so. This makes them a de facto nuclear power. They also have ballistic missile technology cloaked within a civilian space program which would allow them to deliver nuclear warheads to any location in China. Lastly, although China's naval capabilities have come a long way, Japan's SDF navy is still much stronger than China's. If push ever came to shove, I'm very worried that China would face another humiliating loss (and that is assuming Japan is fighting independently without the help of Uncle Sam).

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发表于 2014-6-4 10:00:28 | 只看该作者

Very interesting ----- China cornered by G7? Not likely! IMO ~~~ just won't/can't!

US used to frozen her enemies' bank account/Assets. US done it to Russia/Iran/Iraq/Egypt. Why she can't do it to China? (China holds 1 trillion US Treasury bills). Would US default redemption of debt (to China)? Not likely! IMO ~~~just won't/can't.

US is a country having 100% FREE economy. If you could connect this (to above) then you probably understand why I had my own opinion.

[Japan/Korea etc are semi-free economy country. China not.]

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发表于 2014-6-4 10:50:06 | 只看该作者

Ben2009 发表于 2014-6-4 01:35
I am concerned about the militaristic path that Japan is re-embarking on. It is the gravest threat t ...

Japan is not allowed to change one of the conditions of its surrender, i.e. it cannot have a military force of offensive capability.  However, with USA not objecting, in fact condoning to it, Abe is doing just that.

With regard to island disputes, I think PRC should take up the issue to UN or International Court in Geneva because another condition of Japan's surrender is that all previously territories taken by war must be returned to its rightful owner, this would include Ryuku Islands (Okinawa); Diaoyu Island has always been part of Taiwan Hsien, was annexed to Japan together with Taiwan under a separate treaty, not the result of the 1st Sino-Japanese War, Japan will have no defense.  

Furthermore, B4 establishing diplomatic relationship with PRC, the US navy from time to time asked for permission from Taiwan to use these un-inhabited islands for target practice, basically recognizing Diayu Islands came Taiwan's jurisdiction.

If & as long as the military conflict between PRC & Japan is confined to the Diayu Islands, i.e. not on Japan's main islands, don't think USA will do anything.

If Japan wants to start a war, let me stress "start", Japan's geographic size cannot absorb one H-bomb whereas PRC can take a few.

If USA lends a helping hand, it might have to absorb a few H-bombs as well.   USA treasure American lives a lot more than other countries.

Anyway, I don't see that happening.  Time is on the side of PRC & PRC can wait.

Meantime, PRC can play some economic cards too, just subtly ask Chinese around the world NOT to buy Japanese goods, namely vehicles, Japan's economy will be in more trouble; plus "cash in" USA bond holdings at maturity which will put a big dent in USA's credit rating.

One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong, JUL21 1969.
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  楼主| 发表于 2014-6-4 20:00:20 | 只看该作者

tomsiu 发表于 2014-6-4 10:00
Very interesting ----- China cornered by G7? Not likely! IMO ~~~ just won't/can't!

US used to froze ...

The world politics is unfortunately deeper than that.

None of the G7 country will actually get their hand dirty. They will use "war by representation". What will likely happen is that US will "name" Japan as the representative or the arbitrator in Asia, very well knowing that there is a grudge between these two countries (China/Japan). But that is exactly the point, this is called strategic positioning or "wedging".

Having Japan representing Asia, Vietnam and Philippine will then receive financial support from Japan. They will likely be the actual fighters who disturb China and who exchange their life to  burn Chinese resources. As of now, the costs for protecting the rig is already about 2-5 millions a month. In case of a region war, it will be billions a year.

While Japan can sell weapons to them and make a profit. Revenue will in turn revive their dieing economy, which further gain support from their voters. Military equipment are the most profitable business. To put things in perspective, for instance Korea is currently paying US for military "stationary fee" and "consulting fee". The costs is Samsung and Kia's annual revenue combined.

Among the Han population, US and Japan will then influence Taiwan and even Hong Kong. In fact, from various protest happening in Taiwan and Hong Kong, we can see the the emotions are high, therefore best candidate to start internal conflict. Many smart Chinese in Hong Kong knows they simply want democracy yet still respect their Chinese root, but unfortunately there are far more who knows nothing but simply hate the mainland for whatever hearsay they have obtained. The same happens in Taiwan.

International Court and Geneva was funded and maintained by the western countries. Among them, the head would be America. After World War II, Chinese Kuomintang was not invited in the declaration of victory. The losing islands were only quietly reclaimed by Kuomintang. Therefore, they are called "disputed island" today. There is a very high probability that the court, controlling by the US anyways, will now claim Kuomintang reclaimed the island unilateral at the time, hence was never recognized internationally.

Strategy is really fun, just track and trace America's actions throughout the years, one will notice that they are indeed great strategist.

Hopefully China will be able to hold up this time.

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发表于 2014-6-7 04:52:19 | 只看该作者

Japan's best hope is to lure the US deeper into the Pacific conflict and help to destroy the Chinese military build up in the near future. However, western countries stand against it despite the efforts of Abe.
Too risky!
On her own, the Japs are hopeless, a few missiles will finish her off.
Anybody will highly doubt the US to allow the Japs to develop the nuclear bomb.
The simply reason: this will lead to eventual spread of nuclear technology.
In due time: Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc will all become nuclear powers.
Americans and her allies will not take on such a risk. Therefore non-nuclear for Japan.

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发表于 2014-6-7 06:55:01 | 只看该作者

I have a different thoughts to this situation!

>US would not engage war to China. Just can't/impossible. Reason being too many Americans had involved to China/Chinese in all course of activities. Including trade, tourist, stock market, schooling & friendship. Their (citizens) votes lean on China.
>China's expansion to East/South China sea with the target TAIWAN. I still remembered 鄧小平/江澤民 and current agenda of 領土完整. And even 習近平 mentioned it. It must have a deadline/date for unity.
>Obama recent trip's to Japan/Philippine/Malaysia are shows for political reason. US encouraged these "tiny" 打手 to slow down (or warnings) China's expansion. [Obama dare not visit Taiwan].

Hahaha .... I am a person always having a different thought to a single situation/incident. My opinion may not true but providing a 2nd thoughts. [See my writings on 秦始王, 孙中山, 華駝 and even June 4, 1989,  etc]. I am not a FOLLOWER. I have my own brain (to judge). I believe no 揭秘.

Hehehe .. comments welcome

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发表于 2014-6-7 08:41:07 | 只看该作者

This is a very complex topic.   It will require level 10 thinking that only game theory models can predict probability of outcome? ... wanted=all&_r=0

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发表于 2014-6-7 10:59:14 | 只看该作者

7samurai 发表于 2014-6-7 08:41
This is a very complex topic.   It will require level 10 thinking that only game theory models can p ...

then dear 7 can u covert this lvl 10 thinking to as low as lvl 3 if not lvl 1 for us, in plain english, so everyone can understand... it is a lot of material to read through on a fine sat morning, thank you

coldfeet before the trip, it will be over soon, but so much can happen in a blink of an eye, let alone weeks. dont let me down sweetie, u gonna completely alter my lifepath once u step into that house
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发表于 2014-6-7 11:17:19 | 只看该作者

happypooning 发表于 2014-6-7 10:59
then dear 7 can u covert this lvl 10 thinking to as low as lvl 3 if not lvl 1 for us, in plain eng ...

Unfortunately it's beyond my circle of competence.  I'm still level 1.999?


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 03:22:26 | 显示全部楼层
楼主: BayerischeM

China seemly cornered [color=#999999 !important][color=rgb(153, 153, 153) !important][复制链接]
  楼主| 发表于 2014-6-9 21:46:57 | 只看该作者

BayerischeM 发表于 2014-6-4 20:00
The world politics is unfortunately deeper than that.

None of the G7 country will actually get th ...


I thought this thread was dead as not enough people cared that much about Asian politics.

Anyways, there is new development.

G7 meeting ended without a formal written declaration which condemned China. In fact, the whole meeting was about Russia, and they did not aagree to impose further sanctions neither. The two country which was not welling to condemn China was Germany and France. They were also the ones which were reluctant to push more Sanction on Russia. Therefore, Japan and US's plan did not exact pan out.

In brief, China lucked out this time. The world situation is giving China more time to wake up, unite and be strong. So there is still hope!

The effect of this meeting was clear. Just today, China is countering attack Vietnam and Philippine by beefing up the military presence at South Sea while posting historical proofs and documentations on the foreign affairs website. Obviously Chinese government has learned the G7's result and has became more courageous.

In this strategical conflict, Japan and US's goal is to create cause region instability simply by influencing small poor countries. This way, China will have to waste resources and wear off its economics growth. They have picked a great timing as China's financial growth has fallen to all time low of 7.7%. Import and export both decreases signaling a weaker consumer demand.

I saw "Taiwan" in one of the replies. Unfortunately this whole thing we are discussion really has nothing to do with the ideology "領土完整 agenda" or whatever 習近平 mentioned it during some of his speechs. China communist has been very smart these days. Unless the core interest is seriously affected, they will not fight. So as long as the Taiwanese KMT is still in power, Taiwan in fact is one of the easiest to live with. Hence we do not see much of negative interaction between the two. That's just smart.

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发表于 2014-6-10 07:09:29 | 只看该作者

Let's break these into 2 topics: Here are 1st. [next thread for 2nd]
We hv 2 type of Chinese here: 1 group favorite Mainland China. 1 group hate Mainland China (for any reasons).
Outside mainland there are a lot of Chinese (except CBC) whom hate Mainland China. Those people use all form of reason to condemn mainland China. They ain't using the 3rd angle to analysis the picture. They connected all bad moment together. Indeed in real life we hv good time and we hv bad time too.

Communist China ended when 江择民 took control of administration[June 1989]. Since then a new form of China is born. When 胡 succeed the administration 10 years later. I noticed that hope finally come to (mainland) China. I switched from hate to love (China) by that moment.

By today/now. What Chinese (overseas) needed are unity/unified. Use paradigm to judge.

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发表于 2014-6-10 07:33:55 | 只看该作者

Here are 2nd:
China grown into 2nd economic zone. China holds $1 trillium US treasury bills in less than 20 years. China continue trading surplus against US even today.
Why China develops her own military? Why China risk herself to obstruct US's umbrella? Why China not live the same way as Korea/Japan's form (under US military umbrella)? Why China not bow to US where all other countries do? Why China invests that large amount of money to military? Don't you think China will defeat US in war combat [which I don't think so under current education system]?

During 1995~1996 China found US stands beside Taiwan (for chance of independent) that decided she must her own (military) power. China must have a military intent that prevent US interference. First thing is setup East China Air defense zone. 2nd controlling passage of South China sea.

China's military development is not for US/Japan. US knew that.

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  楼主| 发表于 2014-6-10 23:53:45 | 只看该作者

Tomisui you are accurate for both of your 2 points.

The education system I received has been treating China as an evil. Only when I grew old and started to find inconsistencies in the so called "free world" articles and document. Then I managed to read multiple Chinese sources. As far as I am concerned, Chinese sources must include people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland. As each as its own is biased.

Only from the combined history/records, I started to find true norm and believe current China's situation and claims about lands, military expansion and realized that China is in fact weak in many aspects. It is just trying to stay afloat. This is completely opposite of American propaganda in which they magnify Chinese threat and economical growth way too much.

2 new developments/facts again aligns with my conclusion:

1. Before the South Sea dispute, Vietnam was about to put a bid in the water area where oil drill 981 is at. The winning bidder would have been the US.

2. US. vice president Joe Biden's son now work for the largest Ukraine energy company, controlling the major pipelines

These two events are probably on the footnotes of some documents. If one read them individually, would not notice anything. But oh boy, if we put current world major events in perspective, what a huge conflict of interest! Smart reader would know what I am inferring.

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发表于 2014-6-11 07:42:06 | 只看该作者

Right Bayer .... American interest!
American interested in their (commercial) interests. Such interests invites votes at the end. That's why I denied that there will be war for US against China (China knew it).

China can give up her interests in Japan/Taiwan/Vietnam or even US. But US can't. Just can't.

[US has total 18 nuclear submarines. Each sub carries 154 missiles with nuclear warhead. Sending 2 of these sub to Pacific ocean it would destroy the entire Asia]

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发表于 2014-6-11 07:52:28 | 只看该作者

Under western education system these people would put behind the damages made by German/Japan in WII. They are even allies (G7) since 1975.
Why oversea/HK Chinese still carried the 天安門 incident after 25 years?


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