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Tracy @ Honey Spa

发表于 2016-6-30 04:06:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Went to Honey Spa today. It is internally connected to Angel Spa which is right beside it and owned by the same owner. This is good because that means a bigger selection of girls to choose from. Saw four girls, I think there may be more but they might have been busy so I didn't get to see others. I must admit this spa which is a sister shop of the nearby Vip Spa consistently has a very high quality of girls. I don't know how the keeper keeps finding such top notch talent but kudos to her.

Of the 4 girls that I saw. The first 2 I saw would be considered young if going by the standards of the average rub-n-tug massage/spa in Toronto, but noticeably older compared to some of the university students working here. I think this is the only spa in Toronto that actually have genuine university students working there. Other spas if they are lucky to find a relatively young girl say under 30 years old they would bill her as a student even though they are not. Anyways I passed on those 2 after a fierce internal stuggle because both of them looked quite pretty and had incredibly hot bodies. The other 2 girls I was presented with was Miko (or Niko?) and Tracy. Both were slim and petite and very young. I'd guess Tracy is around 19 or 20, and Miko is probably 1 or 2 years older. Very similar spinner body type while Tracy has a innocent face Miko is more of a flirty sunshine girl type. It was a tough choice but in the end I went with Tracy.


Face 7.5  Can't get any more innocent pure look than this. Even though she isn't DDG she is attractive enough to get me hard just by thinking of her. She has that delicate weak damsel in distress aura that would make a man fall hard for her. No pun intended.

Body 8.5  Very slim and delicate. In Asian ideal of beauty which prize skinny girls she would be a 9. Boobs are natural small B's which is the only thing preventing her body rating from hitting a 10. Of course gwailo's who prefer more voluptous or busty body types may rate her differently.

Service 8  She tries very hard to please. She probably deserves a higher score but I felt she spent to much time on the massage part and tried too much to give a real massage. I mean seriously who goes to these kinds of places looking for a real massage right? But I was too shy to tell her straight out that I didn't want massage and she should be doing foreplay instead.

Attitude 8.5  She is a kind of shy but a sweet nice girl. 100% GFE.

Repeat yes but after I try Miko next time.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-6-30 15:23:51 | 显示全部楼层
好Q假的 review

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-6-30 17:12:54 | 显示全部楼层


既然你要這樣說, 我就重開你先前的回帖.

本來客人跟小姐的私人恩怨與本台無關, 我們也不想被牽涉, 只希望雙方私了, 不要拿論壇作復仇工具.

老實講, 我們很不希望每次MM/keeper和客有爭執都以本論壇為戰場, 迫我們做裁判. 然後任何一方(或雙方)得不到自己想要的如意結果(或得不到我們的全力支持)就遷怒我們, 說我們不公平. 很多時雙方都會指責我們偏幫對方, 我們只覺得很煩很無耐.

其實早前MM已經有跟我們說關於你和她的事. 但我不是法官, 不想批判任何人 (前題是事情不要扯上本論壇). 而且我們也沒法肯定女方所說的是不是百份百的事實, 所以更加不想牽涉其中.

而事實真相到底是怎樣我們不知, 但我們知道就是你在過去幾個月不斷鬼鬼祟祟地PM一些跟你不認識也沒有對話過的會員, 說一些有損她聲譽的言論. 這已經是明顯地違規, 但我們也只給了warning.

先前隱閉你的回帖不是因為我們見不得光, 而是因為不想被牽涉, 所以想低調處理. By the way, 你那個回復根本不是報告. 你攻擊別人寫假報告但你自己卻不寫, 也說不出這份報告有什麼寫得不對. 我們好言勸你不要搞事, 換來一句粗口, 所以對不起, 我們這裡不再歡迎你.


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-6-30 20:52:06 | 显示全部楼层
I'll be visiting Tracy soon and will share my thoughts and ratings as well. Just hope my regular isn't working otherwise she may get pissed. Lol
Looking forward to it.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-7-1 00:26:57 | 显示全部楼层
Was this one of the four girls you saw? ... &extra=page%3D1

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-7-9 03:43:40 | 显示全部楼层
vip 和 honey spa 都是信心保證

使用道具 举报

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