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Pussy ODOR >.<

发表于 2014-2-24 20:34:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Vaginal odor is typically from inflammation of the vaginal area. Inflammation of the vaginal area is often a result of infection in or around the vagina.

A healthy vagina always emerges a discrete odor at one time or another.
It is normal that it has a certain odor sometimes. Whether this natural smell is neutral or not, it is a matter of personal judgment. In fact, some women notice their odor when there is no notable odor detected by their partners.
However, if the odor changes and becomes strongly unpleasant (repugnant fishy vaginal odor), this change deserves attention because it is perhaps a sign of a serious vaginal infection. Left untreated, this condition may cause not only physiologic problems but also emotional (stress) and social problems (the person feels uncomfortable thinking the odor is detected by others).
What to do when you have vaginal odor?
Many women believe that vaginal odor are the result of a lack of personal hygiene and wash excessively their vagina unaware that they worsen the problem. While poor genital hygiene can be the cause, excessive washing is not the solution. Very often, women hampered by a strong vaginal odor should not begin to wash themselves intensively. That does not help at all. The first thing to do should be restoring the acidity and the balance of the vaginal flora naturally. That restoration cannot be done by excessive antibiotic intake; it decreases your immune system.
How to restore the balance of the vaginal flora?
The vaginal flora consists of a large number of microaerophilic bacteria. Among them, lactobacilli are considered the principal ones for their role in protecting the vagina. These micro-organisms are primarily responsible for protective acidity of the vagina. Wash the vagina too often increases its pH, which disrupts the vaginal flora and can cause vaginal infections and particularly unpleasant odors. That is, do not rush to wash your vaginal excessively when you suffer from vaginal health issues.
If the vaginal flora is disrupted, pathogenic bacteria proliferate, resulting in bacterial vaginosis. This type of proliferation tends to increase the number of bacteria normally present in the vagina causing unpleasant fishy vaginal odor.
What are the causes of vaginal odor?
Besides excessive washing, douching, tight clothes and certain chemicals (scented body washes, antibacterial soap, etc) can cause vaginal infection or yeast infections. Certain contraceptives and foreign body in vagina can provoke vaginal odor and other major health issues. Vaginal and anal intercourse alternation during the same session can cause vaginal infection resulting in vaginal odor. Though rare, diet can affect the smell of your vagina. In some cases of vaginal odor, eating a healthy diet (eating fruit and vegetables abundantly) can remediate the condition without any medical treatment

Yeast infection

A yeast infection is also very common (and very uncomfortable!). They present much like BV, with the addition of a thick, white discharge. Yeast infections don’t require antibiotics and instead can be treated with one- or three-course vaginal anti-fungal treatments. Your doctor may also recommend a one-time oral anti-fungal treatment.

Symptoms of a yeast infection

Treatment for yeast infections has become very simple and can even be purchased over-the-counter. Most of these treatments tend to get messy, so it’s better to use them overnight.

Galenberg recommends you visit your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms but have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection, as well as if treatment doesn’t resolve the symptoms or you get four or more infections in one year.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Some STDs can cause feminine odor, the most common being chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both diseases are common and easy to treat, but can cause serious complications if they go untreated. Unfortunately, both are also often undiagnosed because they may or may not produce symptoms. The most common symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea include painful urination and puss-like discharge, although an unpleasant odor is often present as well. See your doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and avoid risk by abstaining or using protection during sex.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) occurs when bacteria (usually sexually transmitted) travel through the vagina into the uterus. It is often a late-stage result of an undiagnosed STD, such as chlamydia. PID usually isn’t diagnosed until you experience chronic pain or have trouble getting pregnant because it often doesn’t have symptoms. If symptoms of PID do present, they may include pelvic pain, odor, heavy discharge, fever, fatigue, painful intercourse or painful urination.

PID can often be treated with antibiotics, though it may leave behind scar tissue that has lasting effects. According to Galenberg, lasting effects might include chronic pain, infertility or ectopic pregnancies.

Poor feminine hygiene

It’s possible that the cause for your feminine odor may be nothing more than poor hygiene. We’ve got a lot of complicated parts down there, and caring for them isn’t always easy. Make sure you’re covering all your bases to keep your lady parts fresh and clean.

First and foremost, make sure you’re washing thoroughly every day. Women have oil and sweat glands in the vaginal area that, while completely natural, can cause odor if not attended to. Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, because anything else can upset that sensitive area and lead to even more troubles. Make sure you wipe from front to back after using the restroom and wear clean underwear every day, even if you don’t have time to shower.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-24 20:36:03 | 显示全部楼层
how to eliminate pussy odor so wolves can enjoy DATY

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发表于 2014-3-1 17:45:40 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-2-24 20:36
how to eliminate pussy odor so wolves can enjoy DATY ...

Looks very helpful and would suggest all SPs to read and follow it for better business.

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