
楼主: iHunter

Leanna @ AsianSexyBabe

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发表于 2016-12-23 15:03:08 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2016-12-23 14:47
statistics 101:  Never do any statistics analysis based on voluntary response (which is this case) ...

The whole point of this review board is to garner ratings from those who have seen a particular SP.  all I have done is compile them and provided what they say.  Of course their are biases, just like there are biases when sports writers vote who is the most valuable player.  Their is alway controversy at the end of the day. At least, one can make a better decision knowing these are what Leanna's clients have rated her.  Yes they can be biased but that can apply to 100% of the SP's that are reviewed.  You can only use data from those who have provided it.  Of course there are probably hundreds of others who have seen her but have not provided a review.  How does this differ from other SP's.  It doesn't.  Users of this board will use the reviews to decide whether or not they will see someone.  Yes they can sift through all the BS of the hundreds and hundreds of posts and decide on their own.  For someone to say what a lot of others are saying is irrelevant is ridiculous.  Even her harshest critics rate her a 7.5 on looks.  So why can't she be an 8 or 8.5. If you don't trust the reviews then don't see her.

And in regards to the meaningless comment, this was directed to those whose opinion do not match that of a larger group of people,  the statistic is meaningless to them as an individual but could be meaningful to those deciding if they can should see her.

Statistics 101- as stated before, that is what this board is all about.  Everyone has their personal preference. Compiling what a larger group of people think, regardless if they are at the two different extremes does not make the results irrelevant.  Take out the top 10 upper and 10 lower scores. What do you get. Since you are the stats wiz, you tell me.

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发表于 2016-12-23 15:06:46 | 显示全部楼层
Lol what larger group of people? theres only like 10 ppl who really like her and pump her to no end (no pun intended), the rest just keeps quiet about their true opinion but whenever a new face appears that has a different opinion of her.. the white knights jump in all at once and corners the person with irrelevant information.. kind of a cowards move .. just like that old farts sneak diss..

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发表于 2016-12-23 15:15:45 | 显示全部楼层
dailo4 发表于 2016-12-23 15:06
Lol what larger group of people? theres only like 10 ppl who really like her and pump her to no end  ...

There are at least 33 members of this board that have provided a numerical rating on Leanne's face.  Do I have to actually show them to you?  Of course there are many who have seen her that may not have reviewed her as well but with that being the case you can't assume they liked her or didn't like her.  You can only go with info provided.  

By providing the numbers of members her, the stupid back and forth about how her face was rated should just stop.  But I guess those that have something against he, refuse to look at facts, biased or not, because they can't fathom that other opinions are just as relevant or important as their own.


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发表于 2016-12-23 15:32:15 | 显示全部楼层
Lakesideguy 发表于 2016-12-23 15:03
The whole point of this review board is to garner ratings from those who have seen a particular SP ...

What happen if the 16 that rated her as 9 really is a few people with different logon name?  All I am saying is never use statistics from voluntary samples.  If you want to use it, it is your choice but you cannot make a general comment about it.  I think Dailo4 made a very good point, what about those who didn't say anything.  The recent US election is a good example.  Those who participated in the poll spoke out and the poll indicated one strong direction.  However, when the "silent" group came out, the whole picture was reversed.  

My point it no need to argue.  It is completely subjective.  If I want to apply statistics to this problem, I can come up with a prior and completely reversed what you said.  You can't say I am wrong because the prior is chosen based on my believe.  Right?  That's why there's lies and damn lies in statistics.  

Take it easy.

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发表于 2016-12-23 15:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
Lakesideguy 发表于 2016-12-23 14:08
Statistics are only meaningless for those who are looking for lower scores and the data shows some ...


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发表于 2016-12-23 15:53:05 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2016-12-23 15:32
What happen if the 16 that rated her as 9 really is a few people with different logon name?  All I ...

Ok, I challenge you to prove me wrong.

By the way, yes Trump won the US Presidetnial election but did so with less popular votes than Clinton. So while Trump won the election less people actually voted for him.  Did you know this???

Not sure why you harp on those who say nothing because it could be good or bad.  Maybe those with the 7 lower scores are the same person. Maybe they are not members  of this board.  

You appear to know everything there is to know about statistics, now prove it.  

Like I said, when provided with  the results you can then make your own decision on whether or not to see someone.  To totally discount others opinions just because they don't agree with yours shows how closed minded you are.  

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发表于 2016-12-23 15:57:55 | 显示全部楼层
You guys made me go savage mode

It's nothing personal I would have done it to anyone
I blame where I came from
I blame all my day 1s
To do what you couldn't do..
Tell leanna her eyes are fucked up her surgeon was sniffin' glue
Still to this day you white knights cant get a clue
Cause your jig is up, we know whats up
It was so obvious how she was playing with you grown ups..
bumpin each other up with how shes yo dream bitch
whats so good about her? did she make you a sandwich?
you don't dare discuss services because she never serviced us
all you want to do is make it a big fuss
fake face fake hips her bad breath didnt help either
she asked me to not write anything bad just to please her
i seen thru that shit like it was burning on ether
teeth during bbbj her cg was shit when i was beneath her
her hips looked like shit from behind when i was fuckin'
her moans sounded like an annoyin little ducklin'
i had to close my eyes for me to get to nuttin'
her insecurities seems contagious with all that fussin'
you better wake up like you just got out of a concussion


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发表于 2016-12-23 15:59:51 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-12-23 15:35
统计学没这些概念。统计这玩意儿从来没人用来分析颜值吧?那么颜值量化有意义吗?对房车来说,颜值/年纪 ...

I think I remembered a case many years ago.  Someone surveyed the best looking eyes, best looking nose, ... and at the end, the closest celebrities that has "all these best facial qualities" is Whitney Huston.  Based on this study, she should be considered the prettiest woman in the world.  But a next survey ask is she's the prettiest and the overwhelming result is not!  She's highly rated but not the best.

In Leanna's case, someone likes her and some do not.

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发表于 2016-12-23 16:17:58 | 显示全部楼层
I would like to comment that the whole mm preference by bro is always subjective.  Just dispute once and that should be enough.  No need to go back and forth.
Let other bro to decide on original comment and the one rebuttal to show.

If everyone has the same taste, then lots of mm will be working their butt off and lots of mm will then be retired.

Enjoy whatever you get and you like.

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发表于 2016-12-23 17:22:09 | 显示全部楼层
Lakesideguy 发表于 2016-12-23 15:53
Ok, I challenge you to prove me wrong.

By the way, yes Trump won the US Presidetnial election but ...

Easy.  All I have to do is use a Bayesian prior with a subjective weight of 0.99 to the score 7.  Then distribute 0.01 to the rest of the scores.  Hence your test will give a result that is significantly less than the score 8.  You cannot say my subjective weight to be wrong because it is my believe.

This is the beauty of statistics - make up your own result and no one can say you are wrong!  You don't like my weight function, and it is fine.  However it is my believe.


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