
楼主: gcjack2013

Taiwanese girls in Dream4U (general opinions, not review)

发表于 2016-9-21 20:40:55 | 显示全部楼层
有些台妹说自己是大学生呢,应该是包装,我工科和文科各有一个学位,基本什么都能聊聊.... 有时碍于面子,不太好揭穿她们.... 按Mona妹子的说法,她自己不好意思编这些.... 当然也很难说,因为台湾的高等教育和大陆差不多,只要你交钱,总能有个学校上,可能台湾的2,3流大学生就这个水平..... 我仔细看了一下新加坡的中小学教育的大纲(台湾的还没空看,应该和新加坡差不多),她们是传统的儒家教育+现代平等&法制(但不提倡自由和民主),我和她们说你们这个平等是假的,宣扬儒家那一套谈什么平等呢。但这个比大陆那一套不伦不类的洗脑教育要强的多(笑话般的8荣8耻,社会主义核心价值观....)

和台妹出去玩过,有的回台湾了微信上还一直有联系。有个台妹我真的很喜欢,买什么都不要,说你来美国加拿大玩费用我都包,也不要;你真是大学生你去读硕士学费我替你付(台湾大学学费和这比,便宜得很),也不要...... 男的嘛,你越活越有一种对人生的幻灭感,房子再大点?车再换一部?没什么大意思.... 老婆惹不起,小孩靠他自己..... 自己还折腾什么呢?温柔乡是英雄冢,也不是没有道理......

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发表于 2016-9-21 20:41:28 | 显示全部楼层
只是假扮的! 那種感覺很受騙啊(不是這上面的就是了)

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发表于 2016-9-21 20:44:59 | 显示全部楼层
ji3g4e94 发表于 2016-9-21 20:41
只是假扮的! 那種感覺很受騙 ...


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发表于 2016-9-21 20:47:37 | 显示全部楼层
yueyue2016 发表于 2016-9-21 20:44
现在基本都是真的。没必要装了,因为台湾的agent已经和这边联系上了,说句北京的俗话“快烂大街了”。他 ...

是這樣子啊? 本來還很灰心,一直找泡菜跟洋人的

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发表于 2016-9-21 21:57:29 | 显示全部楼层
harambe 发表于 2016-9-21 19:40
Yes, you caught me. Is rock playing sherlock holmes in new movie? I gave lots of reviews, new name ...

According to you, you are "pm guy" yet you "gave lots of reviews, new name doesn't mean i'm new member".

You're contradicting yourself there.

Two possiblities:

1. You wrote reviews before, but choose to badmouth an agency under a new name.

2. You never wrote reviews, but claim you wrote them and refuse to share anything.


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发表于 2016-9-21 22:14:07 | 显示全部楼层
TheRock 发表于 2016-9-21 03:19
Sounds like you are a fucking promoter for gweilo agencies. Especially coming from someone who just ...

The Rock giving this newbie a SMACKDOWN!

He's been mouthing off ever since he joined. He doesn't seems to be a newbie. I wondered if he's a new handle after his last handle got the axe.

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发表于 2016-9-22 11:02:12 | 显示全部楼层
Apoc 发表于 2016-9-21 22:14
The Rock giving this newbie a SMACKDOWN!

He's been mouthing off ever since he joined. He doe ...

Me stating truth is mouthing off, seems you need to go fuck woman. Grown men so sensitive?

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发表于 2016-9-22 11:08:38 | 显示全部楼层
mofoking 发表于 2016-9-21 21:57
According to you, you are "pm guy" yet you "gave lots of reviews, new name doesn't mean i'm new me ...

1. I hit them all.
2. Sure if eases your mind.
These sherlocks are going crazy right now so, a third possibility:
3. Started off a reviewer, but changed to PM.

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发表于 2016-9-22 17:50:03 | 显示全部楼层
harambe 发表于 2016-9-22 11:08
1. I hit them all.
2. Sure if eases your mind.
These sherlocks are going crazy right now so, a th ...

Those who claim to only share via PM are usually shills/smearers that are afraid they'll be caught and their lies pointed out if they tried to spread their false info on open channels.

You are probably some shill/smearer that got banned before and now coming back with a new handle.

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发表于 2016-9-22 21:16:10 | 显示全部楼层
hihibye 发表于 2016-9-22 17:50
Those who claim to only share via PM are usually shills/smearers that are afraid they'll be caught ...
You are probably some shill/smearer that got banned before and now coming back with a new handle.

Bingo! More like he was booted out of the forum kicking and screaming! LOL.

Sherlock eh? Every Holmes needs a Moriarty. Does that ring any bell, Mr. harambe?

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