
楼主: Crystalpalace


发表于 2012-1-17 12:38:28 | 显示全部楼层
Ben2009 发表于 2012-1-16 22:29 static/image/common/back.gif
對於Crystalpalce是否天上人间, 我從沒公開說過什麼. 雖然我私人意見認為是的. 從各種蛛絲馬跡, 如對答口吻 ...


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发表于 2012-1-17 13:47:09 | 显示全部楼层
That is the reason I like to stay/read in this forum.

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发表于 2012-1-17 14:08:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-1-17 18:03:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 959always 于 2012-1-17 18:04 编辑

I have a very good suggestion.
Lets report this to the RCMP, they have the expertise to investiage whether who is right or wrong and once they are done with the investigation, it would probably be anounced in the newspaper.
If Ben gor is wrong, then RCMP will clear your name, isn't that better than 求版主出来公开道歉 !!!!!!

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发表于 2012-1-18 12:12:20 | 显示全部楼层
天上人間=Nancy 200% confirmed.

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发表于 2012-1-18 14:58:45 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-18 15:32:30 | 显示全部楼层
對於Crystalpalce是否天上人间, 我從沒公開說過什麼. 雖然我私人意見認為是的. 從各種蛛絲馬跡, 如對答口吻, 弄假報告手法, 就連你/大傻的指責也十分相似 (包括老是提著IP, 以為用不同電腦上就證明清白), 加上已收到的情報, 我是99%肯定了.  

你真的公开说了 在你回复大傻的贴子里就有 一开口就是SKY
BEN GOR你的意见和建议都很好 我很感激 当然不管你信不信了我还是想澄清 那个帖子不是写的 是我的一个朋友连在我的WIFI写下的REVIEW 虽然一开始有点误会 但是我也和你说过这样的事情不会再有第二次 也确实没再发生过
你的判断从一开始就是错误的 大傻是什么样的人 你和我都很清楚 不要把我和他牵扯在一起 大傻和NANCY是不是一起的我不知道 也不想知道 我只想把我自己做好 说了这么多我只是想解除误会 鉴于你在这里的地位和威信 我不要你给予任何道歉 其实凭心而论 我个人还是很欣赏你的为人和作风的 只是看到你把我当成大傻很不舒服
最后天上人间的LINDA是我家NIKI 这是我100%确定的 我曾经在他们的帖子上举报过他们偷我的照片 但是后来发现那张被换了 就把回帖内容改成顶贴 这是我做人做事的风格 现在你们再分析分析 我们还是不是一家?没有人会傻到把自己的姑娘放在2家店吧 而且我相信 听电话就知道SKY和大傻不是一个人
真诚地希望747能越来越红火 大家天天都能开开心心地

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发表于 2012-1-18 20:28:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Ben2009 于 2012-1-18 20:31 编辑

Crystalpalace, you PM me the following, I will reply here instead of doing it twice.

"我自己觉得我为人还算诚恳 不知道为什么会让你觉得我和天上人间是一家 这次事实的真相在1%那里 我能说的就这么多了 希望你能理解 另外我也觉得是时候退出了 决定换个方向 做MASSAGE 届时还希望BEN GOR莅临指导 最后希望747越办越好" (Crystalpalace)

First, thank you for for your kind words. U have already made your claim that you are not 天上人间. At this point, i think the bros here will make their own judgement on whether to believe or not.

The position of Sex747, barring solid evidence, remains neutral and silent on this issue. As for my OWN PERSONAL OPINION, it remains unchanged due to strong circumstantial evidence. Until u forced me to come out and state my position, i chose to remain silent because i was not 100% sure and chose to err on the side of caution. In my private MSN conversation with 天上人间 keeper (which i posted screenshot of), i addressed him as Sky, which he did not deny. This was done to test him/you, and not a public accusation. Lastly, if Chrystalpalace is not 天上人间/Nancy, then as a new garage having operated for less than a month, your sudden intention to "退出了 决定换个方向 做MASSAGE" sounds suspiciously like a cover-up. However, i will not delve into this matter, as i'm sure you can come up with a plausible explanation.

Once again, lets allow the bros here to make their own judgements. I don't want to debate this topic further. My opinion remains my personal opinion which i am entitled to. I'm just a 小小版主, and not 武林盟主. I am also not a detective, police, or courtroom judge. This issue shall be settled in the hearts&minds of the wolf bros. Like i said before, 日久見人心. If you provide a good value, and operate fairly and honestly, i am sure your business will succeed. That is the best way to prove yourself.

我們只開論壇, 不會存心跟任何人作對. As a 消費者, i hope your business succeeds and provide us with more choices. Finally, I wish you well. Good luck!

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发表于 2012-1-18 21:28:42 | 显示全部楼层
Tough economy. Tough to do any business. Buyers beware.

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发表于 2012-1-19 14:25:06 | 显示全部楼层

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