
楼主: aligg


发表于 2023-10-19 05:07:26 | 显示全部楼层
vincenthate 发表于 2023-9-18 16:58
挺好,您既然对中国这么有信心,就应该把国外的资产赶紧转移到国内,毕竟资本主义国家都得完蛋,还得看咱 ...



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发表于 2023-10-27 07:47:45 | 显示全部楼层

Soon money will be "frozen". That's the usual next step when the world is at war. Money control will happen everywhere.

So if you plan to live in China, send money back because you will not be able to send money back in a year or two.

If you plan to stay in Canada, send as much money to Canada as soon as possible as money in China will not be able to come out easily.

It will be tough for many years to come.


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发表于 2023-10-31 04:30:37 | 显示全部楼层
rkim 发表于 2023-10-27 07:47
Soon money will be "frozen". That's the usual next step when the world is at war. Money control wil ...

unless world war happens (at that point money will not be very useful), ways to transfer money will always be around, SWIFT just has fees, other alternatives will appear/have appeared.

Most of my passive income is in Canadian rental/dividends, so no need to send money to Canada, more like a stable way to take some Canadian income and use it here, and occasionally large sums of money to make asset purchases. Still a bit early to worry IMHO.

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发表于 2023-10-31 16:17:50 | 显示全部楼层
dashfortrash 发表于 2023-10-31 04:30
unless world war happens (at that point money will not be very useful), ways to transfer money wil ...

Maybe there will "always be ways". But it won't be easy. Not everyone has special connections or "knows somebody". I mean, that's kinda like saying "you can make anyone you dislike disappear - if you have the right connections".

With China's current capital controls, its immensely difficult to move money out already. Soon the Western world will start implementing their own capital controls to prevent money from flowing the other way.

You can already see how the US is using "national security" as an all-encompassing excuse to strangle China of technology and resources. And the rest of the Western world just follows the leader. A new cold war is coming and a new iron curtain as well.

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发表于 2023-10-31 17:45:49 | 显示全部楼层
Capital control is part of the plan for several years now.

In Canada, if you try to wire transfer any amount more than $10K, you have to disclose the reason and the transaction is automatically reported to CRA and other authorities.

They even block the transfer often with the bank's special clearance group and call you later in the day asking for more information before the transfer is approved.

So, it is just one step away from limiting the yearly total like China, or complete blocking of sending $ to certain country or entity. Like now, all well known crypto exchanges cannot receive funds from the banks.


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发表于 2024-4-13 05:42:41 | 显示全部楼层
hornydogg 发表于 2023-10-31 16:17
Maybe there will "always be ways". But it won't be easy. Not everyone has special connections or " ...

I dont think it'll work, i.e. tech "strangulation", the world is too open/transparent now, you have breakthrough tech, someone can get their hands on it, duplicate it, it just takes time. And its not unidirectional, i.e. I'm sure companies in US trying to figure out China's EV/battery tech, solar panels, etc. US still does R&D/theoretical research better, China is just much more efficient at applications of tech and overall scale and quantity. Iron curtain won't be possible, EU will not shun china, Middle east will straddle both sides of the fence, SEA countries want to do business with both sides. Even Loyal US followers like Japan/SK/Aus still want to trade with China. It's just not possible to cut everything like the cold war anymore.

I believe that when quantity is massive enough, it becomes a unique quality in itself.

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发表于 2024-4-25 17:13:03 | 显示全部楼层
今年仆哂街 黎緊8月話CRA同銀行聯網 樓價實趺到阿媽都唔認得

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发表于 2024-4-29 19:25:24 | 显示全部楼层

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